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Impressum Statement
NGO Organization

Statement of the ownership and authorship of a web site and other documents published on this web site:


The International Association of Recognized Police Officers (IARPO)

Head Office, Canton of Zürich, P.O. Box 5304, CH - 8050 Zürich, Switzerland

Web:, E-Mail:

Telephone:  + 41 44 586 36 65

Reg.Nr:   PID: 878644


Berufs- und Fachverband des schweizerischen Sicherheitspersonals

Association of the Swiss Security Professionals and Experts

Head Office, Canton of Zürich, Postfach 5304, CH-8050 Zürich

Web:, E-Mail:

Telephone:  + 41 44 586 36 65

Reg.Nr:   PID: 878644

D-U-N-S Nr. 480184117 


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Wix Website-Editor-Tools


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