Corporations regularly face a myriad of situations that require investigation and fact finding. Every day, in-house and outside investigators search the globe, collecting facts and evidence for multinational clients in global corporate investigations. The need to conduct internal investigations may also arise from the general duty of the employer and senior management to supervise and control employees and the internal processes within the organization. A thoughtful and carefully structured approach to investigations is essential. Properly executed, internal investigations help to determine (a) if the suspicion of fraud or other illegal activity has merit; (b) who is involved in the wrongdoing and to what degree; (c) what the appropriate internal and external responses should be (including the risks associated to inadequate responses); (d) how to minimize the civil, regulatory and criminal exposure of the corporation, including its decision-makers; (e) what preventive measures apply to preclude repetition of the activity in question; and (f) how to minimize reputational risks. In contrast, improperly executed internal investigations increase the corporation’s potential exposure and the corresponding risks to the management and board of directors.
Corporate Investigations are conducted to help protect organizations from Loss or theft of proprietary information, Compromised customer or company information, Abuse or misuse of the network, Liability if network has been used as a launchpad to attack other systems, damaged reputation and CEO Fraud (CEO-Betrug).
Swiss Security Solutions Head office is located in Zürich, Switzerland. We have 200 years of know-how, we are globally operating, and we are authorized by the security department of state. We were on cases up to USD 50 Mil.
Do you have an urgent situation regarding corporate investigation but are not sure about the next step? Is the situation complex but requires immediate action....and yet no one can know you have a professional working for you? Do you need an answer soon or even right now? Have you come to a dead end on your Google and Facebook searches? We access an information database that is unrivalled and a favourite of both retired Law Enforcement Officers and Federal Agents. A Discreet investigator interviews you until he has the entire picture and understands your situation completely before taking the necessary steps to resolve it quickly. If you’re looking for experienced eyes and ears at an affordable price you’ve come to the right place.
An appropriate risk assessment on ethical risks, personal risks, operational risks, and the risks of collateral intrusion is going to be conducted and where the risks are significant, appropriate measures will be in place to minimize the risks. Please note if you have Cyber Insurance Policy - that's not enough, but we can help you.
We are always just a phone call or E-Mail / text message away. Our Management has a collective 65 years of industry experience and will suggest a plan and solution for you today!
To schedule, a free consultation with our Global & Swiss office on any type of investigation or case please fill out the contact form on the Webpage Contact Us.
Swiss Security Solutions GmbH
Schaffhauserstrasse 550.
CH-8050 Zürich, Switzerland